Специальная программа для малого и среднего бизнеса

12.03.2021 г.

Smart Engines introduced the “Responsible Artificial Intelligence Doctrine”

As part of the 2nd cooperation Forum organized by the National Network of the UN Global Compact in the section ” What modern business problems do SDG-oriented tools solve?” Smart Engines made a presentation “Responsible Artificial Intelligence Doctrine”.

Smart Engines introduced the “Responsible Artificial Intelligence Doctrine”

The Responsible Artificial Intelligence Doctrine is based on three pillars: environmental friendliness, security and data privacy. Smart Engines paid special attention to the problem of the negative impact of AI technologies on the environment. The extensive growth of the number of calculations performed in data centres and the widespread introduction of new AI-based products are already creating significant environmental risks for our planet. Irresponsible use of AI technologies leads to a further carbon footprint increase.

Smart Engines research is aimed at creating new energy-efficient neural network architectures. The special GreenOCR® technology, used in Smart Engines software products (Smart Code Engine, Smart ID Engine, Smart Document Engine) for document recognition, enables reducing CO2 emissions in the process of machine learning and the use of AI on any devices.

Our customers


Japanese provider of IT services Smaregi has adopted mobile OCR by Smart Engines

Oman Arab Bank

Smart Engines helps to implement Digital User Onboarding at Oman Arab Bank


SignD Unified Onboarding Platform uses Smart Engines AI-solution to OCR credit cards

2e Systems

2e Systems use Smart Engines technologies in solutions for the airline industry.

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