Специальная программа для малого и среднего бизнеса

29.07.2020 г.

Rosbank has implemented an artificial intelligence solution for the paperwork

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a significant step forward in the digitalization and transformation of modern businesses. Thus,PJSC ROSBANK with the support of LLC “IT.Philosophy” has implemented artificial intelligence systems developed by Smart Engines to process documents which are necessary for customers’ form needs. This sophisticated solution automates data entry from the client’s document set, including automated ID documents input into a form approved by the Bank and which complies to all legal requirements. The method allows reducing the time for opening customer accounts from 20 to 5 minutes.

Rosbank has implemented an artificial intelligence solution for the paperwork

Integrated recognition technologies allow you to process and enter customer data automatically while performing banking operations and opening accounts where proof of identity is required. Smart IDReader technology is used for ID and documents verification, it automatically fills in the recognized passport data in the corresponding fields of registration forms. Smart DocumentReader technology is required to recognize and automatically enter the KYC application form and consent to personal data processing. Artificial intelligence identifies scanned ID data and the photo ID for more than 70 details for each client in 2 seconds and performs about 15 automatic data validations.

High speed of ID recognition and classification is provided by the use of new ultralight neural network architectures. The computational visual memory algorithms used in Smart Engines solutions allow correcting projective distortions and achieve high-quality data recognition even in photos with medium lighting conditions from webcams and mobile phones.

Smart DocumentReader and Smart IDReader technologies are developed on a private AI platform with GreenOCR® basis, which is focused on reducing neural networks power consumption during training and operations on the users’ devices. GreenOCR® allows you to reduce the size of the used neural networks and boost their efficiency and productivity.

Smart Engines develops multi-platform solutions that allow you to add offline document recognition to mobile phones, server and desktop applications for hardware and software platforms. The systems ensure the security of the client’s personal data during document recognition processing, it is achieved by the fact that there are no saved copies and they do not transmit processing information to third-party servers or cloud storage services. In case of embedding it into mobile apps, deep hardware and software optimization allows you to recognize complex A4 documents in real-time in a few seconds, even on mobile phones with a low camera resolution and low-quality images.

In the project, Rosbank automates a set of operations related to a wide range of documents processing. The embedded intelligent system based on computer vision automatically detects the document type, recognizes it and verifies the document set.

Smart IDReader is successfully implemented for automatic recognition of ID documents of more than 200 nations of the world. This solution allows you to recognize documents in mobile apps, software servers and front-office systems. An image source can be a scanner, web camera or mobile phone. Smart IDReader also provides the ability to recognize documents in a video stream. It gives significant opportunities for the Bank to improve the service interaction with customers and remain competitive.

“Every employee of the Bank’s front office receives a lot of documents daily from current and potential clients. The Bank is required to work with documents not only in compliance with the norms of legislation but also in compliance with internal requirements for efficiency, speed and accuracy. The aim of implementing recognition technology is to maintain the quality of customer data input, reduce the number of operational errors and, of course, optimize the process as a whole. Thanks to Smart IDReader technology, we have achieved considerable time reduction spent on new customers identification, opening accounts for them and changing personal data”, – announced Natalia Voevodina, a member of the Management Board and Operational Director of Rosbank.

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