Smart Code Engine is a multiplatform, stand-alone SDK for recognizing linear and 2D codes, MRZ, bank card numbers and phone numbers, and other codified objects.
The following operating systems are supported:
General workflow includes the following stages:
Create a CodeEngine instance as follows:
// C++
std::unique_ptr<se::code::CodeEngine> engine(
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
CodeEngine engine = CodeEngine.CreateFromEmbeddedBundle();
Disable lazy configuration for:
• server applications for which the first recognition response time is more important than the total memory consumption;
• measuring the maximum memory consumed by the application
Configuration process may take a while but it only needs to be performed once during the program lifetime.
Configured CodeEngine is used to spawn recognition sessions – instances of CodeEngineSession, which has actual recognition methods.
CodeEngine::CreateFromEmbeddedBundle() is a factory method and returns an allocated pointer. You are responsible for deleting it
Create CodeEngineSessionSettings from the configured CodeEngine:
// C++
std::unique_ptr<se::code::CodeEngineSessionSettings> settings(
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
CodeEngineSessionSettings settings = engine.GetDefaultSessionSettings();
CodeEngine::GetDefaultSessionSettings() is a factory method and returns an allocated pointer. You are responsible for deleting it
Specify recognition engines to run:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true"); // Enabling barcode recognition in this session
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true"); // Enabling barcode recognition in this session
This step is not required.
Optionally, you may set additional session options:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true"); // Enabling the common barcode symbologies recognition in this session
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true"); // Enabling the common barcode symbologies recognition in this session
See more about options in Session Options.
A personal signature is provided to the customer when the Smart Code Engine product is delivered. This signature is located in the README.html file in the /doc directory.
Each time a recognition Code Engine session instance is created, the signature must be passed as one of the arguments to the session creation function. It confirms that the caller is authorized to use the library and unlocks the library.
Functionality is checked offline, the library does not access any external resources.
Spawn an CodeEngineSession:
// C++
const char* signature = "... YOUR SIGNATURE HERE ..."; //Your personal signature you use to start Smart Code Engine session
std::unique_ptr<se::code::CodeEngineSession> session(
engine->SpawnSession(*settings, signature, &my_workflow_feedback, &my_visualization_feedback));
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
String signature = "... YOUR SIGNATURE HERE ..."; //Your personal signature you use to start Smart Code Engine session
CodeEngineSession session = engine.SpawnSession(
settings, signature);
CodeEngine::SpawnSession() is a factory method and returns an allocated pointer. You are responsible for deleting it
Optionally, you may implement callbacks by using the CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback and CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback subclasses:
// C++
class MyWorkflowFeedback : public se::code::CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback { /* callbacks */ };
class MyVisualizationFeedback : public se::code::CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback { /* callbacks */ };
// ...
MyWorkflowFeedback my_workflow_feedback;
MyVisualizationFeedback my_visualization_feedback;
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
class MyWorkflowFeedback extends CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback { /* callbacks */ }
class MyVisualizationFeedback extends CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback { /* callbacks */ }
// ...
MyWorkflowFeedback my_workflow_feedback = new MyWorkflowFeedback();
MyVisualizationFeedback my_visualization_feedback = new MyVisualizationFeedback();
CodeEngineSession session = engine.SpawnSession(
settings, signature, my_workflow_feedback, my_visualization_feedback);
See more about callbacks in Processing Feedback.
Create an Image object which will be used for processing:
// C++
std::unique_ptr<se::common::Image> image(
se::common::Image::FromFile(image_path)); // Loading from file
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
Image image = Image.FromFile(image_path);
Image::FromFile() is a factory method and returns an allocated pointer. You are responsible for deleting it
Call the Process(…) method for processing the image:
// C++
const se::code::CodeEngineResult& result = session->Process(*image);
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
CodeEngineResult result = session.Process(image);
CodeEngineResult::Process() is not a factory method, but the returned result object is not independent. The result object lifetime does not exceed the session lifetime
To perform recognition in a video stream, process the frames sequentially within the same session. The processing time is unlimited, but the best practice is processing frames coming from the stream until result.GetIsTerminal() is true.
Use CodeEngineResult fields to extract recognized information:
// C++
for (auto it_obj = result.ObjectsBegin(); it_obj != result.ObjectsEnd(); ++it_obj) {
const se::code::CodeObject& code_object = it_obj.GetValue();
std::string object_type = code_object.GetTypeStr(); // Type of the codified object in string format
bool is_accepted = code_object.IsAccepted(); // Accept flag value
for (auto it_field = code_object.FieldsBegin();
it_field != code_object.FieldsEnd(); ++it_field) {
const se::code::CodeField &code_field = it_field.GetValue();
std::string code_field_name = code_field.Name(); // Code field name
if (code_field.HasOcrStringRepresentation())
std::string ocr_string = code_field.GetOcrString()
.GetCStr(); // UTF-8 string representation of the recognized field
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
for (CodeObjectsMapIterator it_obj = result.ObjectsBegin();
!it_obj.Equals(result.ObjectsEnd()); it_obj.Advance()) {
CodeObject code_object = it_obj.GetValue();
String object_type = code_object.GetTypeStr(); // Type of the codified object in string format
boolean is_accepted = code_object.IsAccepted(); // Accept flag value
for (CodeFieldsMapIterator it_field = code_object.FieldsBegin();
!it_field.Equals(code_object.FieldsEnd()); it_field.Advance()) {
CodeField code_field = it_field.GetValue();
String code_field_name = code_field.Name(); // Code field name
if (code_field.HasOcrStringRepresentation())
String ocr_string = code_field.GetOcrString().GetFirstString().GetCStr(); // UTF-8 string representation of the recognized field
The basic Smart Code Engine delivery package includes:
The files are arranged in directories as shown in the table below:
Directory | Contents | Description |
secommon | C++ se::common namespace files | Common classes, such as Point, OcrString, Image, etc. See Common classes |
Files of integration, for example, Java com.smartengines.common module (one compiled file) | ||
codeengine | C++ se::code namespaces | Main classes of Smart Code Engine. See Main classes |
Files of integration, for example Java com.smartengines.code module (one compiled file) | ||
doc | Documentation | See Code documentation |
samples | Complete compilable and runnable sample code | See Samples |
Common classes, such as Point, OcrString, Image, etc. are located within se::common namespace and are located within a secommon directory.
The C++ common classes headers:
Header | Description |
#include <secommon/se_export_defs.h> | Contains export-related definitions of Smart Engines libraries |
#include <secommon/se_exceptions_defs.h> | Contains the definition of exceptions used in Smart Engines libraries |
#include <secommon/se_geometry.h> | Contains geometric classes and procedures (Point, Rectangle, etc.) |
#include <secommon/se_image.h> | Contains the definition of the Image class |
#include <secommon/se_string.h> | Contains the string-related classes (MutableString, OcrString, etc.) |
#include <secommon/se_string_iterator.h> | Contains the definition of string-targeted iterators |
#include <secommon/se_serialization.h> | Contains auxiliary classes related to object serialization (not used in Smart Code Engine) |
#include <secommon/se_common.h> | This is an auxiliary header which simply includes all of the above |
The same common classes in Java API are located within com.smartengines.common module:
// Java
import com.smartengines.common.*; // Import all se::common classes
The main Smart Code Engine classes are located within the se::code namespaces and are located within an codeengine directory.
The C++ main classes headers:
Header | Description |
#include <codeengine/code_engine.h> | Contains CodeEngine class definition |
#include <codeengine/code_engine_session.h> | Contains CodeEngineSession class definition |
#include <codeengine/code_engine_session_settings.h> | Contains CodeEngineSessionSettings class definition |
#include <codeengine/code_engine_result.h> | Contains CodeEngineResult class definition |
#include <codeengine/code_engine_feedback.h> | Contains CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback and CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback and associated containers |
#include <codeengine/code_object_field.h> | Contains CodeField class definition |
#include <codeengine/code_object.h> | Contains CodeObject class definition |
The same classes in Java API are located within com.smartengines.code module:
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*; // Import all se::codeengine classes
All the classes, their methods, the methods options and options values are described both in comments that are converted into codeengine.pdf included into the documentation directory.
The documentation is available at doc directory. The doc directory structure:
The C++ API may throw se::common::BaseException subclasses when the user passes invalid input, makes bad state calls or if something else goes wrong.
The following exception (se::common::BaseException) subclasses are implemented:
Exception name | Description |
FileSystemException | Thrown if an attempt is made to read from a non-existent file, or other file-system related IO error |
InternalException | Thrown if an unknown error occurs or if the error occurs within internal system components |
InvalidArgumentException | Thrown if a method is called with invalid input parameters |
InvalidKeyException | Thrown if to an associative container the access is performed with an invalid or a non-existent key, or if the access to a list is performed with an invalid or out-of-range index |
InvalidStateException | Thrown if an error occurs within the system in relation to an incorrect internal state of the system objects |
MemoryException | Thrown if an allocation is attempted with insufficient RAM |
NotSupportedException | Thrown when trying to access a method which given the current state or given the passed arguments is not supported in the current version of the library or is not supported at all by design |
Uninitialized Object Exception | Thrown if an attempt is made to access a non-existent or non-initialized object |
Exceptions contain useful human-readable information. Please read e.what() message if exception is thrown.
se::common::BaseException is not a subclass of std::exception.
Smart Code Engine interface does not have any dependency on the STL
The thrown exceptions are wrapped in general java.lang.Exception. In Java, the exception type is included in the corresponding message text.
If you face a problem, or contact us at or
Several Smart Code Engine SDK classes have factory methods which return pointers to heap-allocated objects. Caller is responsible for deleting such objects (a caller is probably the one who is reading this right now).
In C++:
For simple memory management and avoiding memory leaks, use smart pointers, such as std::unique_ptr<T> or std::shared_ptr<T>.
In Java API:
For the objects which are no longer needed, use the .delete() method to force the deallocation of the native heap memory
The barcode engine recognizes barcodes on the specified set of frames. By default it is disabled. To enable it, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
By default, all barcode symbologies are disabled
To enable a specific barcode symbology, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.<symbology>.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.<symbology>.enabled", "true");
The sets of supported symbologies are shown in the table below:
Name | Barcodes | Description |
COMMON | AZTEC | QR_CODE | DATA_MATRIX | PDF_417 | CODABAR | CODE_128 | EAN_8 | EAN_13_UPC_A | ITF | UPC_E | CODE_39 | CODE_93 | Symbologies that are used most frequently. Each symbology can be enabled separately |
ALL | AZTEC | QR_CODE | MICRO_QR | RMQR | DATA_MATRIX | PDF_417 | MICRO_PDF_417 | CODABAR | CODE_128 | EAN_8 | EAN_13_UPC_A | ITF | UPC_E | CODE_39 | CODE_93 | The full list of the supported symbologies. Each symbology can be enabled separately |
ALL_1D | CODABAR | CODE_128 | EAN_8 | EAN_13_UPC_A | ITF | UPC_E | CODE_39 | CODE_93 | One dimensional barcodes. Each symbology can be enabled separately |
ALL_2D | AZTEC | QR_CODE | MICRO_QR | RMQR | DATA_MATRIX | PDF_417 | MICRO_PDF_417 | Two dimensional barcodes. Each symbology can be enabled separately |
Enable the COMMON set of barcodes:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true");.
Enable the ALL set of barcodes:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.ALL.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings->SetOption("barcode.ALL.enabled", "true");
We recommend to enable only the required symbologies to increase performance
The recognition result contains two fields:
The attribute encoding of this field specifies which type of content it has. Common values are utf8 and base64.
There are three main scenarios for barcode recognition:
For payment barcodes, it is recommended to set the following options: enabling the QR, Aztec and DataMatrix barcode symbologies, the “focused” recognition mode, max code =1 – restricting the maximum number of recognized barcodes to one
To enable the required mode, set the session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.roiDetectionMode", "focused");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.roiDetectionMode", "focused");
By default, the barcode feedmode is set to single – barcode recognition stops after one barcode is found. To recognize several barcodes, set feedmode to sequence.
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.feedMode", "sequence");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.feedMode", "sequence");
There is a set of structured text messages commonly encoded using barcodes. You can provide a hint which structured message you expect to meet in your session. This hint is denoted as a preset and populates the set of fields in which the content is splitted. By default, no preset is enabled.
To enable a preset, set the special session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.preset", "AAMVA");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.preset", "AAMVA");
You can also enable multiple presets. In this case, the value of the session option takes the following form:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.preset", "URL | PAYMENT");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.preset", "URL | PAYMENT");
where the option value contains a set of presets separated by a | sign. If a preset succeeded, CodeField message_type containing the preset’s name is added to the result as well as the corresponding list of CodeFields.
The full list of supported presets is the following: AAMVA, GS1, URL, EMAIL, VCARD, ICALENDAR, PHONE, SMS, ISBN, WIFI, GEO, PAYMENT. Every preset contains its own set of fields to populate:
Preset | Fields |
AAMVA | In accordance with the AAMVA specification, e.g. “AAMVA_VERSION”, “ANSI”, “DAC” and many others |
GS1 | “BATCH/LOT”, “EXPIRY”, “GTIN”, “SERIAL”, “SSCC/SSCI” and others |
URL | “URL” |
“Body”, “Recipients”, “Subject”, “URL mailto”, “Carbon copy” and others | |
VCARD | “vCard version”, “ADR”, “AGENT”, “BDAY”, “CATEGORIES”, “CLASS”, “LABEL”, “EMAIL” and many others |
PHONE | “Phone” |
SMS | “SMS_number”, “Body” |
ISBN | “ISBN”, “ISBN type”, “Prefix”, “Registration group” |
WIFI | “Authentication type”, “Password”, “SSID” and others |
GEO | “Latitude”, “Longitude”, “Query” |
PAYMENT | “BIC”, “BankName”, “CorrespAcc”, “Name”, “PersonalAcc” and many others |
The barcode related options are presented in the table.
Option name | Value type | Default | Description |
barcode.enabled | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables/disables barcode recognition |
barcode.ALL.enabled | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables all barcode symbologies |
barcode.COMMON.enabled | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables common barcode symbologies |
barcode.maxAllowedCodes | Integer | “1” | Specifies the max number of recognized codes |
barcode.roiDetectionMode | “focused”, “anywhere” or “dummy” | “focused” | Specifies the ROI detection mode |
barcode.feedMode | “sequence” or “single” | “single” | Specifies the feed mode of barcode session |
barcode.effortLevel | “low”, “normal” or “high” | “normal” | Specifies the recognition effort level |
barcode.<symbology>.enabled | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables/disables specified symbology |
barcode.<symbology>.minMsgLen | Integer | “1” | The minimum length of barcode message |
barcode.<symbology>.maxMsgLen | Integer | “999” | The maximum length of barcode message |
barcode.<symbology>.checkSumPresence | Integer | “0” | Specifies the presence of checksum (for 1d codes) |
barcode.<symbology>.extendedMode | “true” or “false” | “false” | Specifies the extended mode (for 1d codes) |
barcode.<symbology>.barcodeColour | “black”, “white” or “unknown” | “unknown” | Specifies the expected module color |
barcode.preset | preset name | none | Specifies the preset for the decoded barcode content interpretation |
barcode.preset.PAYMENT.strictSpecCompliance | “true” or “false” | “false” | Specifies if the PAYMENT preset strictly follows the corresponding specification |
barcode.smartPaymentBarDecoding | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables smart encoding detection for payment barcodes |
You can enable text smart encoding detection for payment barcodes which violates the specification. To achieve that you must set the special session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.smartPaymentBarDecoding", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.smartPaymentBarDecoding", "true");
If the algorithm succeeds, CodeField smart_payment_bar_decoding_result containing the encoding name is added to the result and may be used in the PAYMENT preset instead of following the specification. The full list of supported encodings is the following: UTF8, CP1251, KOI8_R, ISO8859_5, CP932.
The bank_card engine recognizes bank cards on the given set of frames. By default it is disabled. To enable it, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("bank_card.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("bank_card.enabled", "true");
There are three types of bank cards:
By default all these types are enabled. The types of recognized bank cards could be explicitly specified using the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("bank_card.embossed.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("bank_card.embossed.enabled", "true");
For embossed and indent bank cards the recognition result may contain the following list of fields:
Field | Description |
number | the number of the bank card (mandatory) |
name | the cardholder’s name |
expiry_date | the expiry date in format MM/YY |
optional_data_0 | additional data line in any format |
optional_data_1 | additional data line in any format |
optional_data_2 | additional data line in any format |
Field | Description |
number | the number of the bank card (mandatory) |
name | the cardholder’s name |
expiry_date | the expiry date in format MM/YY |
iban | the IBAN number (according to ISO 13616) |
secret code | VC/CVV code |
The capture mode determines where to find the bank card. For this engine, there are two supported capture modes:
By default the mobile mode is enabled.
The set of bank card related options is presented in the table.
Option name | Value type | Default | Description |
bank_card.enabled | “true” or “false” | “false” | Enables/disables bank card recognition |
bank_card.captureMode | “mobile” or “anywhere” | “mobile” | Specifies bank card detection mode |
bank_card.enableStoppers | “true” or “false” | “true” | Enables smart text fields stoppers |
bank_card.extractBankCardImages | “true” or “false” | “false” | Extracts rectified bank card image and stores it in the relevant CodeObject |
The MRZ engine recognizes MRZ on the given set of frames according to the ICAO specification link. By default this feature is disabled. To enable it, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("mrz.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("mrz.enabled", "true")
The recognition result contains the full_mrz code field alongside with the set of splitted fields whose names depend on the determined MRZ type.
The MRZ engine supports recognition of the following MRZ types:
MRZ type | Document | Description |
ICAO 9303 MRZ MRP (TD3) subtype | Machine Readable Passport | 2 lines, 44 characters each |
ICAO 9303 MRZ MRVA subtype | Machine Readable Visa | Type A, 2 lines, 44 characters each |
ICAO 9303 MRZ MRVB subtype | Machine Readable Visa | Type B, 2 lines, 36 characters each |
ICAO 9303 MRZ TD1 subtype | Machine Readable Travel Document | Type 1, 3 lines, 30 characters each |
ICAO 9303 MRZ TD2 subtype | Machine Readable Travel Document | Type 2, 2 lines, 36 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | Bulgarian vehicle registration certificates | 3 lines, 30 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | Swiss driving license | 3 lines, 9 characters in the first line, 30 characters in the second and third lines |
MRZ-like zone | Ecuador ID | 3 lines, 30 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | French ID card | 2 lines, 36 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | Kenya ID | 3 lines, 30 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | Russian national passport | 2 lines, 44 characters each |
MRZ-like zone | Russian visa | 2 lines, 44 characters each |
Depending on the MRZ type, the recognition result contain a subset of code fields of the following names:
Field name | Description |
mrz_doc_type_code | Document type code |
mrz_number | Document number |
mrz_issuer | Document issuer |
mrz_proprietor | Proprietor |
mrz_vehicle_number | Vehicle number |
mrz_line1 | Line 1 |
mrz_line2 | Line 2 |
mrz_line3 | Line 3 |
full_mrz | Full MRZ |
mrz_vin | VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) |
mrz_id_number | ID number |
mrz_cd_number | Number check digit |
mrz_cd_bgrvrd_1 | Bulgaria VRC (Vehicle registration certificate) control digit 1 |
mrz_cd_bgrvrd_2 | Bulgaria VRC (Vehicle registration certificate) control digit 2 |
mrz_birth_date | Birthdate |
mrz_name | Name |
mrz_nationality | Nationality |
mrz_opt_data_1 | Personal number or other optional data elements from line 1 |
mrz_opt_data_2 | Personal number or other optional data elements from line 2 |
mrz_last_name | Last name |
mrz_gender | Gender |
mrz_expiry_date | Expiry date |
mrz_issue_date | Issue date |
photo | Photo |
mrz_cd_birth_date | Birthdate check digit |
mrz_cd_composite | Composite check digit |
mrz_cd_expiry_date | Expiry date check digit |
mrz_cd_opt_data_2 | Optional data from line 2 check digit |
mrz_authority_code | Authority code |
mrz_id_visa | Visa ID |
mrz_invitation_number | Invitation number |
mrz_cd_name | Name check digit |
mrz_cd_invitation_number | Invitation number check digit |
mrz_cd_id_visa | Visa ID check digit |
mrz_first_name | First name |
mrz_cd_issue_date | Issue date check digit |
The code_text_line engine recognizes codified text lines, i.e. the lines with preset content. By default it is disabled. To enable it, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("code_text_line.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("code_text_line.enabled", "true");
There are two types of supported codified text lines: phone_number and card_number. By default both these types are disabled.
The phone_number and card_number types are mutually exclusive
The type of a codified text line must be explicitly specified by using the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("code_text_line.card_number.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("code_text_line.card_number.enabled", "true");
This engine can recognize both printed and handwritten text lines.
The text line area should occupy at least one third of the specified region area.
The following phone number formats are supported:
The payment_details engine recognizes payment details presented in the text form required to make a payment in the financial system of the Russian Federation. By default it is disabled. To enable it, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("payment_details.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("payment_details.enabled", "true");
To enable recognition of a specific type of payment details, set the corresponding session option:
// C++
settings->SetOption("payment_details.<type>.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("payment_details.<type>.enabled", "true");
The full list of supported types is the following: inn, kpp, rcbic, rus_bank_account, personal_account.
By default all supported types of payment details are enabled
For this engine, there are two supported capture modes: mobile and anywhere. The mobile mode mostly addresses handheld camera recognition in videostream, where the target details occupy the most part of the image, while anywhere mode is suitable for images of full page documents. By default the mobile option is enabled.
The Universal Pay technology used in Code Engine allows you to recognize objects in a payment document without specifying the type.
Supported objects:
The client provides a sequence of images as input, and the session recognizes and puts into the result only those objects for which payment can be made (i.e., other two-dimensional barcodes not in accordance with GOST will be ignored).
One payment object is recognized within one session. After detecting a payment object in a sequence of frames, the session is terminated. One frame is enough for barcodes; for other types of objects, several frames are required.
Examples of the Universal Pay settings:
// C++
settings->SetOption("global.workflow", "universalPay");
settings->SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("barcode.QR_CODE.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("barcode.AZTEC.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("barcode.DATA_MATRIX.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("barcode.preset", "PAYMENT");
settings->SetOption("barcode.feedMode", "sequence");
settings->SetOption("bank_card.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("code_text_line.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("code_text_line.phone_number.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("code_text_line.card_number.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("global.workflow", "universalPay");
settings.SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("barcode.QR_CODE.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("barcode.AZTEC.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("barcode.DATA_MATRIX.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("barcode.preset", "PAYMENT");
settings.SetOption("barcode.feedMode", "sequence");
settings.SetOption("bank_card.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("code_text_line.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("code_text_line.phone_number.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("code_text_line.card_number.enabled", "true");
You can specify some configuration bundle options in runtime by using CodeEngineSessionSettings methods.
To obtain all currently set option names and their values. use the following procedure:
// C++
for (auto it = settings->Begin(); it != settings->End(); ++it) {
// it.GetKey() returns the option name
// it.GetValue() returns the option value
// Java
for (StringsMapIterator it = settings.Begin();
it.Advance()) {
// it.GetKey() returns the option name
// it.GetValue() returns the option value
To change option values, use the SetOption(…) method:
// C++
settings->SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
settings->SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true");
// Java
settings.SetOption("barcode.enabled", "true");
settings.SetOption("barcode.COMMON.enabled", "true");
Option values are always represented as strings, so if you want to pass an integer or boolean convert it to string first.
Global options:
Option name | Value type | Default | Description |
global.enableMultiThreading | “true” or “false” | “true” | Enables parallel execution of internal algorithms |
global.rgbPixelFormat | String of characters R, G, B, and A | “RGB” for 3-channel images, “BGRA” for 4-channel images | Sequence of color channels for session.ProcessSnapshot() method image interpretation |
global.sessionTimeout | Double value | “0.0” for server bundles, “5.0” for mobile bundles | Session timeout in seconds |
Smart Code Engine SDK supports optional callbacks during document analysis and recognition process before the Process(…) method is finished. It allows the user to be more informed about the underlying recognition process and also helps create more interactive GUI.
To support callbacks you need to subclasses CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback and CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback classes and implement desirable callback methods:
// C++
class MyWorkflowFeedback : public se::code::CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback {
virtual ~OptionalWorkflowFeedBack() override = default;
virtual void ResultReceived(const se::code::CodeEngineResult& result) override { }
virtual void SessionEnded() override { }
class MyVisualizationFeedback : public se::code::CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback {
virtual ~OptionalVisualizationFeedBack() override = default;
virtual void FeedbackReceived(
const se::code::CodeEngineFeedbackContainer& /*feedback_container*/) override { }
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
class MyWorkflowFeedback extends CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback {
public void ResultReceived(CodeEngineResult result) { }
public void SessionEnded() { }
class MyVisualizationFeedback extends CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback {
public void FeedbackReceived(CodeEngineFeedbackContainer feedback_container) { }
You also need to create an instance of MyWorkflowFeedback and MyVisualizationFeedback somewhere in the code and pass them when you spawn a session:
// C++
MyWorkflowFeedback my_workflow_feedback;
MyVisualizationFeedback my_visualization_feedback;
std::unique_ptr<se::code::CodeEngineSession> session(
engine->SpawnSession(*settings, signature, &my_workflow_feedback, &my_visualization_feedback));
// Java
import com.smartengines.code.*;
MyWorkflowFeedback my_workflow_feedback = new MyWorkflowFeedback();
MyVisualizationFeedback my_visualization_feedback = new MyVisualizationFeedback();
CodeEngineSession session = engine.SpawnSession(settings, signature, my_workflow_feedback,
Do not delete CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback and CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback subclasses instances while CodeEngineSession is alive. We recommend placing them in the same scope
Smart Code Engine SDK implies Java API which is automatically generated from C++ interface using the SWIG tool.
Java interface is the same as C++ except for minor differences, please see the provided Java sample.
There are several drawbacks related to Java memory management that you need to consider
Even though garbage collection is present and works, it’s strongly advised to call obj.delete() functions for our API objects manually because they are wrappers to the heap-allocated memory and their heap size is unknown to the garbage collector, which may result in delayed deletion of objects and thus in high overall memory consumption.
CodeEngine engine = CodeEngine.CreateFromEmbeddedBundle(true); // or any other object
// ...
engine.delete(); // forces and immediately guarantees wrapped C++ object deallocation
When using optional callbacks by subclassing CodeEngineWorkflowFeedback or CodeEngineVisualizationFeedback please make sure that its instance has the same scope as CodeEngineSession. The reason for this is that our API does not own the pointer to the feedback instance which cause premature garbage collection resulting in crash
// Java
// BAD: may cause premature garbage collection of the feedback instance
class MyRecognizer {
private CodeEngine engine;
private CodeEngineSession session;
private void InitializeSmartCodeEngine() {
// ...
session = engine.SpawnSession(settings, signature, new MyWorkflowFeedback(), new MyVisualizationFeedback());
// feedback objects might be garbage collected there because session doesn't own it
// Java
// GOOD: reporter have at least the scope of recognition session
class MyRecognizer {
private CodeEngine engine;
private CodeEngineSession session;
private MyWorkflowFeedback workflow_feedback; //
private MyVisualizationFeedback visualization_feedback; // feedbacks has session's scope
private void InitializeSmartCodeEngine() {
// ...
workflow_feedback = new MyWorkflowFeedback();
visualization_feedback = new MyVisualizationFeedback();
session = engine.SpawnSession(settings, signature, workflow_feedback, visualization_feedback);
You can install demo apps from Apple Store and Google Play from the links below:
You need samples from the codeengine_sample* directory.
We provide the classic SDK as a library and its integration samples, you need to install one of the examples (you can find it in the /samples directory).
Supported formats:
We do not support PDF and recommend rasterizing it (converting it to a supported format) on our side before recognition.
You need to replace the libraries from /bin, wrappers (from /bindings respectively). You can find it in the provided SDK.
Our SDK are platform-dependent, so please contact us at or and we will provide you with the required SDK.
Please don’t run SDK for operating systems not intended for it and contact us at or to provide you with the required SDK.
Maybe, the signature you have specified is invalid.
No engine is enabled in configuration or the bundle contains no one of the enabled engines (for example, you are trying to enable bank cards in a bundle which implies only barcodes).
You cannot use a bundle version different from the library version. The files from the same SDK should be used.
Many integrations require additional assembly of the wrapper to work with the C++ library. This error occurs when the wrapper cannot find the main library at the specified path. It must either be placed in the scope of the code through environment variables, or the wrapper must be compiled with the correct paths to the library.
The module you are using is built for a different version of python, /samples/codeengine_sample_*/ contains a script for building the module on your side. Don’t forget that you must have the dev packages installed for your language.
Vodafone Qatar
Vodafone Qatar uses Smart Engines’ technology for scanning ID card of Qatar
Japanese provider of IT services Smaregi has adopted mobile OCR by Smart Engines
Argos KYC
Argos KYC partners AI-driven Smart Engines to reinforce identity verification
SignD Unified Onboarding Platform uses Smart Engines AI-solution to OCR credit cards
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