Специальная программа для малого и среднего бизнеса


Smart Engines is a research-driven company specializing in artificial intelligence and computer vision software. The company has a dedicated team of over 70 highly qualified researchers and engineers, with 18 holding a PhD degree with the highest honours. The company has published numerous research papers in highly respected scientific journals and regularly participates in leading international conferences such as ICDAR, ICIP, and ICMV. Smart Engines employees are members of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

The core mission of Smart Engines is to leverage cutting-edge scientific research to create and perfect software that can handle the most demanding real-world challenges. The company’s AI-based recognition systems provide superior document scanning and analysis capabilities to public and private organizations worldwide, enabling them to significantly improve their business processes.

Smart Engines’ technological platform, GreenOCR®, is supported by the United Nations Global Compact Initiative (UNGC), demonstrating the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability. The software is designed to reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of edge devices through its Green AI initiative.

Smart Engines offers AI-driven products for mobile, desktop, and web applications, including ID card scanners, passport scanners, driver’s license scanners, MRZ scanners, bank card scanners, barcode scanners, and business document scanners. These products comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), ensuring that customer data is protected and secure.

In summary, Smart Engines is a highly respected research-driven company that combines scientific thinking with cutting-edge innovation to provide superior document scanning and analysis capabilities to organizations worldwide. Its commitment to environmental sustainability and compliance with data protection regulations make it a leader in its field.

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